I Could Draw… Back in Highschool (Part 2)
This was actually one of my first 3d renderings ever, made in 3dstudio max. Cut it in half and drew the right side in colored pencil. Sadly now I only use colored pencils as a fashion accessory.
This was actually one of my first 3d renderings ever, made in 3dstudio max. Cut it in half and drew the right side in colored pencil. Sadly now I only use colored pencils as a fashion accessory.
Every wanted to cut a photo in half and try to draw the other half? Well I did. It is not a mirror image by the way, I was following the other half other the photo. Sadly I don’t do much drawing any more, so I thought I’d post this from 9 years ago.
A fun project I made during a web design class taught by Rachele Riley.
Read more “Peggy 17.2 – Interactive Web App” →
I don’t think there was ever any doubt that my life was going to have something to do with art. But I also tell people that I never really liked drawing. I preferred Legos and building bow-and-arrow bows out of stink weed (I couldn’t smell it and didn’t think about the name). But I did in fact, on occasion, put pen or pencil to paper and make some art. Sometimes I still do. But not that much, really.