I Used to Make My Own Pants
I'm a creative cheapskate
I was really into skateboarding growing up, and I really wanted to buy a pair of JNCO jeans. But as a 12-year old in a lower-middle-class household, spending $70 on pants was not an option. But denim was only $3.50 a yard at the fabric store.
DuBLiN Denim's Brief History
In highschool the lucky kids get a nickname. Mine was “dublin”. Well it started out as dublin, and then slowly morphed into anything that sounded remotely close – “devlin, dooblin, booblin, schooblin, hob goblin.” I stuck with the first one. Over the course of 3 years I made several pairs of jeans and some accessories, each of which had a name and a logo.
All the Bitmap Goodness
When I showed my boss at the web design place the images below he didn’t have much of a reaction. Then I mentioned how I had made them in Microsoft Paint. He gasped in amazement, then immediately gave me a copy of Macromedia Fireworks – which honestly was was number one program of choice until Adobe killed it.
These might be the first animations I ever made
This was definitely my first stop motion animation. Made in Paint.
Maybe it wasn’t direct, but I think making pants was the first step toward becoming a motion graphic artist. It gave me something consistent to focus on, and through doing the work I realized I had more fun coming up with the design for my pants (especially the logos) – than I did actually sewing the pants. I did the latter out of necessity. But the design part, now that was something that could hold my interest.