New DJL Logo
there I was thinking about the letter D, when all the sudden I realized it is made from an L and a J put together. then bam! new logo.
there I was thinking about the letter D, when all the sudden I realized it is made from an L and a J put together. then bam! new logo.
I got this combination of words stuck in my head the other day as an idea for a company name. I tried a bunch of variations of the classic water drop image using only cubes, but none of them really worked. I finally settled on this much more graphic approach to a logo, and although I feel like it has been done many times before, I like it.
[wp-jw-player src=”http://devenjames.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/shot2Atest.f4v” width=”640″ height=”480″]
A quick test shot for an animation I’m working on. The plan is to have it look photo-real using the models rendered below. Can’t really say much more about it now because it’s a secret.
Read more “Striker Pin Simulation Animation” →
[wp-jw-player src=”http://devenjames.com/redx/videos/v_red_x_H264_1.f4v”]
Experiments with lights and color.
Read more “Red X On Black Background – Video Art” →