Meet the Pixel Drop Team
We are a lively bunch
After winning best film in Richmond 2 years in a row at the RVA 48 Hour Film Festival, the producers of Filmapalooza asked team Pixel Drop to compete in one of their other festivals, the HP Masters Competition. We beat out more than 30 other teams to earn our spot in the festival, and our film was one of the 3 winners to screen at the Cannes Film Festival in France. Plus we got a free HP printer. How cool is that?
And here's what we made:
Did I mention this film went to Cannes?
Ok so it wasn’t in the main lineup in the big theater, but our little film from a modest group of creators was accepted into one of the most prestigious film events on the planet. I think it’s ok to be proud of that, now isn’t it?

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Gotta give a big shout out to my long-time friend and former colleague, Joe Ryan. I mean, the entire look of this film and every 3D model in it came from his brain. Talk about inspiration. Apart from the film, I am lucky to have worked next to this guy for 5 years and soaked in some of what makes him tick. What a lovely and creative person. Thanks Joe!