Have Some Free Files
Sharing is caring, after all.
With all the free tutorials and demos I have enjoyed over the years, I think it’s only right to pay it forward. Below are some free resources I made for sharing. I hope you get some use out of them or find them fascinating to explore. If you think something is awesome, or sucks, or if a link is broken, let me know.
Free Trading Worksheet
I trade stocks. I like to manage risk and keep track of things. Maybe you do too? Here’s a comprehensive tool to help you do that more efficiently.
Free Kbar Icon Set
I made a custom set of icons for use with the Kbar After Effects plugin. For those everyday tasks that take more than one click… now they are all in one place with a minimal and consistent design.
Free Seamless Textures
PBR (physically-based renderer) ready seamlessly-repeatable textures with normal and roughness maps. Completely free to use. Have fun kids!
Free Cinema 4D Arcing Camera Rig
Free K'nex 3D Models
To say thanks to everyone who let me poke around their files, I’m giving away everything you see in this render. Huzah!
More Free 3D Models and Scenes
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