I used to make graphics and I still do. Some are old and some are new. Either way they’re here for you. Hip hip hooray and whoop-de-doo!
Though I am not personally a fan of CVT transmissions and would never own a vehicle that used one, I do find them to be a fascinatingfeat of mechanical engineering. pretty neat little xPresso rig set up to make the gears function properly.
This has been a controversial design concept, and I’m happy that Darpa chose Joe Ryan and I to create the mockup animation that was used to present and win a contract for several million dollars to develop this vehicle.
It’s hard to explain the benefits of a piece of engineering this large without showing what goes on inside. That’s exactly what I helped with. AMF provided some super complex CAD files that I was able to convert and bring into my 3D land. Then I turned it all into an interactive Android app for use at a trade show.
Michel Gondry once said, “I chose quantity over quality, because quantity lasts and quality fades.”
Or you can go ahead and
hire me right now
If you wanna make a 360 video, you either need a camera and a nodal panning tripod head (below), or Cinema 4D and vRay (above).
out of focus bokehs are beautiful to behold.
Read more “Photo 200!!! July 18” →
I got this combination of words stuck in my head the other day as an idea for a company name. I tried a bunch of variations of the classic water drop image using only cubes, but none of them really worked. I finally settled on this much more graphic approach to a logo, and although I feel like it has been done many times before, I like it.